AMBIZ Regenerating The Possible

Breaking Barriers: Empowering Women in the Workforce to Thrive

July, 2023 — Written by Trineke Haruko


What Women in the Workforce Need: Opportunity and the System That Supports It

In today’s changing landscape, companies are recognizing the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Many have taken strides to provide opportunities for women in the workforce, but true changes don’t happen overnight. Achieving gender balance in leadership positions requires a holistic approach, starting with addressing the gender ratio at the staff level. If the number of new hires is leaning more on men, then it’s time to evaluate your employer branding.

The unfortunate truth is that as you ascend the corporate ladder, the number of women dwindles. It’s not a reflection of capability; it’s often a consequence of limited opportunities. When the upper echelons are dominated by men, the system and rules tend to favor them, creating an imbalance.

Women Lack Opportunities

Women often face a double burden—or some call it the second shift, juggling unpaid domestic work alongside their professional responsibilities. Without a supportive system in place, the opportunities provided by companies may not be enough to encourage women to thrive in their careers.

Most working women with children experience a shift in priorities. Like any mother, they want to be present for their children’s milestones, from first steps to first words. However, this doesn’t mean they want to abandon their careers. If men can have both a fulfilling family life and successful careers, why should women be denied the same opportunity?

It’s time for companies to break the chains of societal beliefs that force women to choose between their careers and families. Companies must prove that a successful career path awaits married women too. Thus, building a supportive system is essential alongside the equal opportunities for women to grow.

Working System That Supports the Opportunity

The COVID-19 pandemic introduces alternative work arrangements such as remote work, work-from-anywhere, and hybrid models. Among these options, I believe that the hybrid system holds great promise for working moms. It allows them to spend more time with their families outside of weekends—instead of spending it on the tiresome commute and traffic woes, yet still have the portion to go to the office to ease the alignment with their coworkers.

Companies must also consider the expectations placed on employees working from home. Are they required to sit in front of the screen from early morning to late evening? Physical closeness with children is not the sole desire of parents. We must strive to find a solution that enables women to spend time with their children while remaining productive contributors to their organizations.

By embracing true diversity & equity and supporting working women, companies can create an environment where women can thrive personally and professionally. It’s time to break down the barriers, challenge societal norms, and pave the way for a more thriving future.

Rani Soebijantoro
Founder & Chairwoman |

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