At AMBIZ, we define Stakeholdership as the art of fostering enduring connections that transcend transactional relationships.
Defining Purpose
We begin our journey by first identifying organization's purpose. This foundational step guides the entire process, ensuring that employer and corporate brand is authentic, impactful, and resonates with all stakeholders. Our suite of purpose services facilitates this critical discovery, helping you to uncover company's core DNA and develop an Employer Value Proposition that speaks to everyone across holding members.
We conduct an initial assessment that aim to understand the talent profiles within Company better. evaluating its core values, mission, and organizational DNA.
How we do it?

  1. In-Depth Interview with Founders, Key Leaders of Organization to Operational Level Members
  2. FGD or In-Depth Interview with representative of 3 Tiers of Employees
  3. Assessment and Survey to 3 Tiers of Employees, based on their internalization, achievement, and years of employment in the company.

We conduct an initial assessment that aim to understand the talent profiles within Company better. evaluating its core values, mission, and organizational DNA.
How we do it?

  1. In-Depth Interview with Founders, Key Leaders of Organization to Operational Level Members
  2. FGD or In-Depth Interview with representative of 3 Tiers of Employees
  3. Assessment and Survey to 3 Tiers of Employees, based on their internalization, achievement, and years of employment in the company.

Purpose Interpretation is the second step in defining Company's Employer and Corporate Brand. It involves analyzing the data gathered during the Purpose Assessment and deriving meaningful insights to articulate a clear and nuanced understanding of Company's purpose. This interpretation will inform the development of an authentic and compelling Employer Value Proposition that resonates with potential and existing employees.
How we interpret upon the knowledge gathered ?

The interpretation process will involve:

  1. Thematic and correlation analysis, for identifying key themes and patterns that emerge from the data, including core values, aspirations and motivations.
  2. Combining identified themes to create an understanding of Company’s purpose.
  3. Validation check by crafting a concise statement of Company’s purpose that resonates with across stakeholders
How we interpret upon the knowledge gathered ?
A comprehensive document outlining the key findings of the Assessment process, including the identified themes, synthesized understanding of Company's purpose, and its connection to measurable values.
Regenerative Strategy Development
Assist SOEs in formulating long-term strategies that align with regenerative principles, emphasizing sustainability, innovation, and societal impact.
Stakeholder Engagement Programs
Facilitate constructive dialogues between SOEs and diverse stakeholders, including government bodies and local communities, to build stronger partnerships.
Governance Enhancement
Advise on transparent and accountable governance practices to gain public trust and ensure alignment with regenerative goals.
Sustainability Reporting
Assist in measuring and reporting the social and environmental impact of SOEs to meet global sustainability reporting standards.
Innovation Ecosystems
Foster innovation within SOEs by establishing ecosystems that encourage collaboration with startups and research institutions.
Purpose Embodiment is the process of translating the interpreted purpose of company into tangible and actionable elements that can be embedded in the organization's culture and operations. This involves translating the abstract purpose into concrete behaviors, practices, and experiences that employees encounter every day. More importantly, it’s bringing purposes to life.
How we translate into tangible and actionable elements?
The embodiment process will involve:
  1. Developing behavioral guidelines, establishing clear guidelines for how employees can embody the purpose in the daily work.
  2. Cultivating desired behaviors by incorporating the purpose into everyday practices.
  3. Embedding purpose across systems and processes, integrating the purpose into existing systems and processes, such as performance management, reward systems and decision making frameworks.
Embodiment Plan
A comprehensive plan outlining the specific actions, initiatives, and resources needed to translate the interpreted purpose into tangible and actionable elements.