Catalyst Program

Catalyst Program is an intensive 6-12 weeks development program designed for companies who aim to do cultural and impactful changes within their organization.

About the Catalyst Program

For this program, we usually will work with a group of change agents or leaders who are willing to drive and accelerate positive changes within the organization. We believe effective change is not an instant process and leading change can be scary.

That’s why through this program, our development program is not just a one-time lecture-based kind of learning activity. On the contrary, our group of dedicated coaches will accompany each catalyst on the transformation journey through training and coaching sessions.

Previous Catalyst Project Video

Our Journey

During the intensive 6-12 weeks development program, we’ll usually incorporate multiple development activities for the catalyst. Although the journey for each catalyst programs may vary, typical journey for this program may look like this:

Pre Assessement

Pre-assessment is used to assess catalysts’ level of agility prior to the program

General Townhall

Official opening event of the program in which catalyst will get detailed explanation about what to expect from the program. In this event, catalyst will also get a training session to build their self-awareness

Personal Coaching

Planning out a transformation plan is a crucial step. That’s why we usually will conduct a one-on-one coaching session with the catalyst to help them build the most sensible transformation plan.

Check-In Training

Based on the issues catalysts faced throughout the program, we usually will conduct one to two training sessions. This training session aims to help the catalysts gain the relevant and practical learning materials that may help them solve their issues.

Group Coaching

Coaching session that we did also often hold in a group setting so each participants may give feedback to each other. We can also invite their team members at work to the coaching session to gain more understanding about the team’s situation and how the transformation impact the team.

Post Assessment

To measure catalysts’ personal growth throughout the program, we also assess their capacities at the end of the program and compare it to their pre-assessment results.

Closing Townhall

The celebratory and the event that closes the program. In this event, best catalysts are chosen and awarded.

How Catalyst Program Enforce Changes

The Right People at The Right Program

Targeting individuals who have the capacity & ownership to drive change within the organization

Start from The Root Cause

Existing challenges will be dissected to tackle the real root cause in order to have the most effective solutions

Practical Frameworks

Frameworks that are relevant to any use cases for the catalysts during the engagement of this project

Hands On Coaching

Existence of the Catalyst Coaches who’s presence helps align and direct the catalysts during the project

Meet Our Consultant

Givari Rizky Michael Amrin | Co-Founder & Managing Director

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