Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Services

Helping your company create the best output and impact through diverse talents, equal opportunity, and inclusive practices.

About Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Service

An inclusive organization begins with one that embraces diversity and accommodates Equity.

In AMBIZ, we believe that diversity, Equity and inclusivity are three indivisible pillars that drive a company’s ability to create the best output and impact.

Behind our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Development

We define diversity as an organization’s ability to host and encourage as many unique perspectives as possible. This is only achievable if said organization is willing to overlook talents’ education, gender, ethnicity, physical/mental condition, and religious beliefs, and focus solely on adding those who match the company’s purpose and goal to the team.

Upon hiring diverse talents, an organization becomes more responsible to embed Equity into their practices than ever. By providing these talents with equal learning opportunities, career progression and working environment, this organization will be able to generate exceptionally relevant ideas that are rooted in collectively rich personal upbringings.

An organization that is capable of leading diverse talents and embedding Equity into their practices will have a better chance at the inclusion of stakeholders who not only feel represented by the organization but are also willing to contribute to their advancement as a business.

How AMBIZ supports your organization through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

All of AMBIZ’s services are customizable in order to support your organization’s endeavor to become a diverse, equal and inclusive employer

Meet Our Consultant

Givari Rizky Michael Amrin | Co-Founder & Managing Director

We are ready to help your organization in achieving Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Contact our consultants to learn more!